Sunday, July 3, 2016

Summer journal post

Hi All:  I've decided when I'm cleaning the studio I need someone to tell me to put stuff down.  My goal today was to clean out my studio.  I have trash bags, kids crafting tubs,  and give away piles.  I was doing good until I ran across my Dyan Reaveley journal.  You know the one with the craft cover. I started looking at it, and then I found a stash bag from H.L.  and there were clearance stamps I bought and never put away.  I put the journal and stamps on my desk.  Organized a few more shelves and then I was bored.  Yep I started playing in the journal.  As I always do I looked online at Simon Says  blog to see what the Simon Says Monday Challenge was.  This week its Tic Tac Toe-  This is my attempt at Tic-Tac- Toe . I used one of the stamps in the bag ( the tricycle) and another stamp that says summer to me, some washi tapend twine.  Embossed, then sprayed with distress spray and inked with distress ink.  Hope you like it.

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